Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 17

Christina and Sara decided to go to Dryden with a coworker from the hospital to pick up a few groceries and grab some lunch at PI...which was absolutely delish..just sayin... anyhow... as they just passed the sign for sioux lookout on the 72 they hit a patch of ice...and did a 360 on the highway right into the ditch...lucky for them..this did not happen earlier (the ditches were cliffs).....this is the coworker below with Christina in the front calling for a tow truck...mind you...a doctor passed the vehicle...and called 911...but didn't stop..hmmm? BUT 6 other vehicles did stop...and 3 cruisers...and an ambulance...and 2 fire we were GOOD

The cops looking at how we could exactly get out of the the one OPP officer tried to walk to the driver side door..she ended up completely in the snow...UP TO HER WAIST...hence why we were stuck in the vehicle...well not completely..the windows could still roll down...but NO ONE was hurt...just so people are not freaking out

Finally...we get out of the car....but all of our toes are you can see we are better prepared than our coworker who has lived here for 2 and a half years....he is in sneakers...we are in snow boots...needless to say we made him buy sorels at marks work warehouse in Dryden haha...

Sooo this was the vehicle....only damage was to the bumper... and to one wheel...a total of 210 another 150 dollars for his boots :)

 We sat in the back of the cruiser with the cop for an hour and a half before the tow truck came...she had awesome stories to tell us about her journey in Sioux Lookout and doing outpost policing in Pikangikum...she so far has enjoyed her time..but also is emotionally exhausted and ready for a change...Other than the accident our day was good...we had the best chedder cheese soup in the whole world, and paid normal prices for groceries...comparatively speaking :)

Susy on the other hand...was able to enjoy this view...but froze her butt off...the cabin was cranked to 30...but sat at 15...the landlord came over to fix it..and as we are writing this blog..we are in tank tops...sweating like pigs... the tile floors could melt your feet off....just sayin'....PS...if there are a few days where we dont post..DON'T FREAK OUT...we are working very hard at the hospital and our time is fully devoted to the amazing client population :) peace and chicken grease

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day 16

There's not much to say about this...other than BRRRRR! and the weather network lies!!  and snot freezes in less than 10 seconds!   During Susy's shift, she had to go out and start the car 3 times during the night, just to make sure it would start in the morning.  On the way home it occured to her how 'soft' the kids in southern Ontario are....they close the schools if its -20...-25 here kids are still walking to school in these temps.  To quote Christina "that's just friggin cold"

Day 12

 Today, Susy was by herself :(   She went for a walk, looking to find out what made these track by the cabin....but after an hour of wandering in the woods, she decided it was best if she followed her footsteps home.  It was starting to snow and she didn't want to lose sight of her tracks before she made it home or it got dark.  The rest of the afternoon, was spent hanging out at the cabin, listening to music chilling, till the Sara and Christina got home from work. 

Day 10 Winnipeg

Winnepeg!  We traveled to the peg to get  new CDMA phones, for Christina and Susy, so they could stay connected with family and friends.  Although Christina was happy with having a working phone, Susy was still sad and upset that the phone she got at Christmas couldn't be used...there there Susy, it's only for 3 months. 

Susy cheered up when we got to the Forks, a historical cite in Winnepeg.  We went through the market, looking at all kinds of touristy and crafty stuff.  Christina and Sara didn't find the perfect T-shrit they were looking for but Susy found a couple of things that tickled her fancy. 

There was a variety of artisan's at the market, from musicians to glass blowers and it seemed like the place went on forever and in the end everyone found a little treasure to take home.

Next up after the market...skating on the Assiniboine river :)  It was cold but beautiful to skate along the river path.  Christina and Sara by far outskating Susy, went on ahead to the end of the trail.  Susy, having fallen once and thinking that was enough for her, took off her skates and went up to see the legislative building and Louis Riel

A little chilled from their skate,  we went into the tourism office, took some cheesy touristy pics and found out a couple of interesting places to visit, with the time we had left in Winnepeg.  We settled on the Winnepeg Art Gallery "the Wag", due to time constraints.

There was a section completely devoted to Inuit art, which was very interesting, especially since we went there hoping specifically to see native art. 

  This Barbie painting was $700....crazy

Leaving downtown, after a sucessfull day, got the phones, saw the forks, went skating and to the WAG :)

The drive home was a little crazy and stressfull, it was hard to see the road was as if our side of the road was getting all the snow and the other was getting nothing.  Once again Christina handled with grace and we arrived home safe and sound around 11:30pm beating our usual arrival time of after midnight, way to go Christina!