Saturday, February 2, 2013

Day 27

In the morning...Christina got up and did some skiing...We don't know how exactly she did it was FREEEEEZING outside...she came home looking like a little Christinacicle...literally... 

All day long we worked on our homework...because we did not have a very productive previous day :) hehehe... don't worry all of you parents, soon to be parent-in-laws and husbands and grandparents...our homework is not due till Sunday and Monday....Susy and Christina did a bit of running around after we were done with our homework (everyone sent some mail) some very special people should be expecting some mail soon :)...

At the end of the night we watched movies..and ate these nachos (picture below)...which will be the death of our stomachs...or at least Sara's as she ate the most :)...haha...and it did not help that after we were on our second plate Christina added a dish of cookies to the fiasco.... Any how...we watched Pitch Susy had not watched it yet...and we laughed our little butts off all snuggled up on the couch....we then proceeded to watch Rock of Ages..because it was a musical kind of night I guess?? And again...laughed our butts off....the best/gross/most hilarious part of the night....Tom Cruise with a studded crotch and buttless chaps... 

1 comment:

  1. Delightful blogging - entertaining while still showing the beauty and mystery of Sioux Lookout. It sounds like you three are truly valuing your experiences there and making the most of all that is available to you. One month down already - hard to believe! Continue to keep us informed of your exciting adventures!
